What is karma? How
are we responsible for our own karma? And can we change it? The question of destiny or karma has greatly preoccupied philosophers in both the West and
the East. One Western theory is that when we are born our lives are like a sheet of paper on which nothing is written. Each
life then develops as a result of its surroundings and the forces acting on it - parents, friends, society, the dominant culture,
and so on. We have
lived countless lives already. This means that we are not born as blank pages, but pages on which countless impressions have
already been made. Life
is forever existing in the cosmos; sometimes it is manifest and sometimes latent. Just as when we sleep and then awaken; our
conscious mind awakens and our body feels refreshed. Between the sleeping and awakening, our consciousness carries on in a sub-conscious state. Similarly one's
life continues eternally in alternating states of life and death. Death is as much a part of living as sleep is part of the process of living. Karma is thus the accumulation of effects from the good and bad causes that we bring with us
from our former lives, as well as from the good and bad cause we have made in this lifetime, which shapes our future. Karma is a Sanskrit word that means 'Action'. Karma is created by actions - our thoughts, words and deeds - and manifests itself in our appearance,
behavior, attitudes, good and bad fortune, where we are born or live - in short, everything about us. It is all the positive
and negative influences or causes that make up our complete reality in this world. One's karma or destiny is not to be fixed; since our minds change from moment to moment,
even the habitual and destructive tendencies we all possess to varying degrees can be altered. In other words, individuals
have within themselves the potential to change their own karma. All that we do in one lifetime affects the negative and positive balance of our karma. For example, if we are born poor in this lifetime and spend our life giving to others whatever
we can give, we are making causes to change the negative karma of being poor. On the other hand, if we spend our life envying
or hating or even stealing from others, we are adding to our negative balance of karma. We have all amassed karma throughout countless lives and that we not only experience the effects
of this karma now, but we continue to recreate it. Alienshift goal is to reveal this area and to allow its pure life force to purify our lives and change our
karma at the deepest level. It
changes all the tragic causes and effects that lie between and unveils the pure causes and effects which exist from the beginningless
past towards the present and the future. This is “Liberation” from the heavy shackles of destiny we have carried
from the past. This is the establishment of free individuals in the truest
sense of the term called the ALIENSHIFT.
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