Extinction in 2012
We went looking for confirmation for possible cosmic impact with an extremely large body (60 miles diameter?) in 2012
could be corroborated with other codes. Using Code Finder Millennium Edition, we found 33 candidate matrices that include
5 or more of the 7-search terms (extinction, Caph Yod Bet Vav Yod; extinction, Heh Shin Tav Daleth, Heh; extinction, Heh Caph
Chet Daleth Heh; 5772, Heh Tav Shin Ayin Bet; Comet, Shin Bet Yod Tet; Word of God, Daleth Bet Resh Yod Heh Vav Heh; and asteroid,
Caph Vav Caph Bet Yod Tav), or about 6% of the 589 terms found when I search on in 5772 (Bet Heh Tav Shin Ayin Bet).
The odds on any one of these matrices appears to be on the order of one in a million, and to get 33 of them might lead
someone to think that an important message was embedded. The probability estimate is driven by the relative rarity of 5,
6, and 7-character words, and the fact the multiples of these words are found in the same frame.
Figure one was created using Bible Codes 2001 and is a good sample of the 33, with only one other (at skip 301) at a lower
skip level. Let us all pray that it is not the extinction of the human species that we might find encoded here.
To actually study the effects of an impactor of large diameter you might check out the web pages at.
http://janus.astro.umd.edu/astro/impact/ or http://www.lpl.arizona.edu/impacteffects/
J-rod the area 51 alien, Zeta aliens, measurement of the pyramid of the Egypt, Philadelphia experiment and Edgar Casey, Montauk
project, ending of Mayan calendar 2012, 3 days of Darkness passing of planet X and Pole shift Bible or wormwood of the Bible.
Mayan timekeeper's records indicate that 2012 marks the close of several large cycles of time: a 26,000 year Mayan Calendar
cycle, a 78,000 year Earth cycle, a 26 million year Earth cycle and the 225 million Galactic Year. The simultaneous close
of these cycles in 2012 is like the odometer turning over for the entire history of our galaxy, and perhaps the whole cosmos.
It is a moment when humanity, Planet Earth, the Milky Way Galaxy and perhaps all of creation is expected to take a simultaneous
leap in evolution.
An overview of the dramatic changes to world civilization, by Tony
As incredible as it may seem too many people, humanity on Earth is in
the process of an evolutionary change in how we experience life. We
are to become a galactic civilization, interacting positively with
the many star system civilizations in our galaxy and universe, and
indeed other universes. It is our true destiny to change from a
society based on fear and competition, to one based on love, peace,
and harmony. The current chaos is merely part of the quickening
We live in an invisible universe (often referred to as spiritual
realms, or Heaven) as well as the visible universe, which is the
only part most people believe exists. The real truth has been hidden
from us so we would eventually remember and discover who we really
are, great immortal beings of universal knowledge and wisdom,
closely connected to our physical brothers and sisters in space, and
those in the spiritual realms. Unfortunately many governments,
religions, and philosophies have been manipulated to keep much of
the truth from us so others could retain power and control. The
recent retaliation to so-called terrorist attacks in the USA will,
in time, be shown to be one of the final attempts to keep us under
control. However, it is time for a great change in understanding by
world populations, who mainly want peace, despite what is presented
to us by a manipulated mass media.
Many people feel "something is about to happen", but because much of
the current change is in the invisible universe, before manifesting
in the visible universe, it is difficult to comprehend at first. We
have actually been part of a grand "experiment", having agreed at a
higher level of understanding to be here in these exciting "end
times", the end of one civilization, and the beginning of a new one,
known as the Seventh Golden Age that we will co-create.
Much has been written, spoken, and prophesized about our future.
Some of this information was true at the original time of recording,
but has since changed. Some of it was never true, and was intended
to manipulate us. And some information was correct and still holds
firm today. Sorting all this out is the difficult part. That is why
what is "truth" for one person, is not necessarily "truth" for
someone else. You need to apply your own discernment to all
information, including what I am presenting in this article. People
are waking up in varying degrees as we continue our learning.
Some information is difficult to absorb, such as the nature of our
hollow Earth and the ancient civilizations still living there. Like
the fact that many people have actually traveled back in time to
change the future of this planet and universe, many eons ago. And
like the fact we have discovered how to make war ships invisible and
time travel again, since 1943 and how the Apollo Moon Program was a
cover-up of higher technology.
Secret trips had already been made to establish bases on the Moon and Mars, and to explore other parts of our solar system
since the early 60s. Finally, to whet your appetite a little more, or make you more skeptical, depending on where your awakening
path is at, Earth is expected to slow its rotation, stop, and reverse its spin without catastrophes, along with being moved
in space with the rest of the solar system to become part of the Sirian star system!
The Earth has a consciousness of its own, it is a living being. The
Divine Plan of the Creator, which we all follow, knowingly or
unknowingly, calls for the Earth to ascend from the reality we know
as the 3rd Dimension, to the 4th Dimension (an intermediate or
temporary existence) and then to the 5th Dimension. This has long
been suggested to be around the end of 2012, or earlier. Humanity,
and all other life must be ready to ascend, or increase vibration,
to move with the planet most people no longer have the time to go
through separate and individual ascension processes that could take
another 200 or 390 years. They are in their last incarnation and
should ascend to help establish the next creation on Earth and the
whole universe. This means keeping these bodies and gradually
bringing them back to about the age of 30. Those not ready, will
incarnate back into the 3rd Dimension on another planet. They cannot
return to the higher dimension Earth. Some people's "contract" is up
and they will return to previous star systems, if they wish, and
even ascend higher than the 5th Dimension. No one on Earth was
originally from this planet.
Ascension is the integration of spirit and matter. It is the process
where our physical, emotional, mental, and all spiritual bodies
combine to create a fully conscious being. We take on a Light body.
We are really spiritual beings having a human experience. We have
other aspects of ourselves who exist on other worlds, in other
dimensions or realities. In essence, we are all physical Angels with
a giant amnesia problem. Through ascension, we realize we are all
connected; we are all One with all other life in the universe.
Everything came from one Creator. Race differences, war, owning
property, land rights, in fact all aspects of our current world, are
really illusory. We live in a giant hologram.
Many dimensions, also known as planes, mansions, and parallel worlds
exist in the same space. They only differ by degrees of vibration.
When we increase our vibration sufficiently, we change dimension.
A measure of the vibration rate of the Earth, its heartbeat, is the
Schumann Resonance, which appears to be measured differently by some
Earth scientists compared with higher realm information. For years
it stayed at 7. 8 cycles per second (hertz). It began moving up at
the time of the Harmonic Convergence. August 1987, the year of much
spiritual awakening. In theory, when it is constantly at 13. 0, we
are in the 4th Dimension. According to some sources we have been
sitting at 12. 9 for some time, and will move to 13. 8 in the near
Ascension is expected to be achieved when we are fully exposed to
the photon belt energies. This is a toroid-shaped energy band that
our solar system passes through twice in a 26, 000 year cycle. Each
pass in previous cycles has lasted about 2, 000 years. We are
currently in the belt, but protected from premature fatal ascension
by a holographic energy field placed around our solar system by the
Galactic Federation of Light, our allies from other civilizations in
our Milky Way Galaxy. As our vibration rate increases, some photon
energies are gradually released into our solar system.
Initially, a 12-strand RNA/DNA system will have replaced our body's
current 2-strand system. We will have increased our 7-chakra system
of body energy vortexes to a 13-chakra system. We will also
consciously use 100 percent of our brain, instead of the 10 to 20
percent currently utilized. Full consciousness will return to us,
that are the awareness of why we are here, what we are to do in the
future, and what our past lives have been. We will have universal
knowledge at our finger tips, or rather, our brain receptors, and
have super-human abilities.
As ascended galactic humans (physical angels), we will be able to
interact with all sentient life forms in our galaxy, universe, and
beyond. We will regain extraterrestrial powers that we lost many
lifetimes ago. Telepathy, teleportation, and interplanetary travel
without space craft will be possible using our Light body or merkaba.
Some people will be able to revisit or return to their previous star
system that they came from. Some will help to repopulate Mars,
Venus, and Maldek which will be re-formed from the Asteroid Belt.
The majority will stay on Earth for the new Golden Age, and will
help create it. Earth will be a showcase planet, a major centre for
trade, conferences, and headquarters for the Intergalactic Union of
many galaxies near us.
Those who populate Earth will become her true stewards, anchoring
Light and supporting energy nodes and grids around the planet at
great temples. The whales and dolphins have been burdened with this
task for far too long. We will live in magnificent crystalline
cities within the Earth, although they will seem as if they are on
the surface. This is how all higher dimension civilizations live on
other planets. It is how many Lemurians and Atlanteans already live
within the shell of our hollow Earth. We will be meeting them soon.
Our new civilization will again be based on spiritual concepts of
Lemuria, which in turn, was based on Sirius B concepts.
Our current structure of governments will cease. Higher intelligent
beings will help us set up new governing councils based on
appropriate universal principles. We will have the final say in fine-
tuning new government, without interference from those who currently
control governments.
one of the greatest restrictions to our progress is the repressive
control of world "official" governments by a secretive Shadow
Government, which also limits the type of daily news or "truth" we
receive through the world's mass media.
This is why many people are not aware of the current and coming
great changes to civilization. It is the reason we have fear-based
news most of the time on television and in newspapers.
Keeping people in fear and distress through news, financial matters,
wars and violence, and mind control, plus filled with harmful foods,
drinks, legal and illegal drugs, as well as being subjected to
harmful chemtrails, are some of the means to keep our vibrations
low. This makes ascension so much harder to achieve.
This negative control has also been an aspect of many religions and
philosophical groups for a long time. The good news is that this
manipulation and control of worldwide societies is quickly coming to
an end. A dictatorial New World Order/One World Government,
masquerading as a democratic globalization program, will not be
allowed by higher realms intervening on our behalf. We agreed to
this intervention before incarnating here, despite some people
believing it contravenes `free choice", which it does not under the
Creator's divine plan. Those who don't believe in a Creator or this
plan are in for a big surprise!
Disclosures on how we have been manipulated are soon to be
announced, and will commence some wonderful changes.
The little known aspect of the Shadow Government is that it, in
turn, has been controlled by negative extraterrestrial beings who
have given them much advanced technology for their control on Earth.
However, we should not hate these aspects of our society. We have
probably all exhibited negative traits in past lives just for the
experience! It is best to send them love and have nothing to do with
their controlling schemes whenever we have the choice. In the near
future, all darkness on Earth will be transmuted to Light, and in
doing so, will create a stronger Light. Many of the Shadow
Government former ET dark allies are now part of the forces of
Light in this galaxy. Many former Shadow Government people have also
now aligned with the Light The remaining ones can either do the
same, or continue incarnating on another 3rd Dimension planet until
they are ready to ascend to higher dimensions. It is their choice.
Our universe is teaming with life at various levels of evolution. We
are more or less at the bottom, but are about to make a giant move
in the "up" direction. The highest intelligence is the collective
energies we term God, the Creator, or numerous other terms. From
here, and down through many descending levels of vibration, known as
dimensions, planes, or mansions, exist a multitude of beings,
initially in spiritual form, then semi-solid, and then in dense
bodies like our current ones. We know these beings by terms such as
Elohim, Archangels, Lords of Light, Angels, Ascended Masters, and
finally extraterrestrials, which have humanoid bodies or those we can
call dinoid, insectoid, and reptoid. Television reveals some of
these forms in shows like "Star Trek". We have all existed in these
higher energy forms before, but intertwined with other aspects of
ourselves. We are each part of a soul group of approximately 12
souls, and part of a soul family of approximately 144.
Billions of souls (aspects of God) were sent to Earth to see if they
could rind their way back to the vibration of God or the purest
Light without memory of where they had been. This has never been
done in this way anywhere before. Thus the uniqueness of our current
situation or "experiment". Earth is the fulcrum for change and peace
in this galaxy and universe. Evolution elsewhere cannot proceed
successfully until we ascend to the 5th Dimension. Many
civilizations are watching us with intense interest. Higher
dimensions can see through to lower dimensions, but we cannot see
higher dimensions from here. In recent years, mankind has had
virtually unlimited access to the highest beings of Light who
provide guidance through channeled contacts and sometimes even
manifesting in etheric or physical form.
Divine intervention is allowed to occur in a planet's affairs when
spiritual progress is hindered. In fact it is part of our
incarnation contract which calls for it at our stage of evolution,
before we connect permanently again with other galactic
The intervention is carried out at a physical level by our space
brothers and sisters, and at a spiritual level by the Spiritual
Hierarchy. Our space brethren include the Galactic Federation of
Light, a sort of "United Nations" of our galaxy, comprising over
200, 000 or 90% of the civilizations in it. It was formed over 4
million years ago. About 60% of physical beings in our galaxy are
non-humanoid in appearance.
Both types travel in spacecraft. An inter-galactic group of ships
and personnel, the Ashtar Command, work closely with the Galactic
Federation. The Spiritual Hierarchy consists of the Elohim orders,
the Time Lord councils, the Angelic realms, Ascended Masters, and
the Devic kingdom. They don't need space craft, although the
Ascended Masters often "hang out" in Ashtar Command ships.
Incidentally, the Time Lords regulate time, which together with
Light, are the two elements that compose Creation.
The Galactic Federation have over 18 million space craft in our
solar system at any one time, rotating from a much larger base.
Competition is high among members to be here and assist at this
great "end times" period! Some mother ships are thousands of
kilometres long. The smaller shuttle craft are more commonly seen in
our atmosphere.
A first contact program by the Federation has been in place for
about 10 years now. This will most likely culminate in mass
sightings of craft, a change in world governance structures, a
unification of all societies, and a return of our personal
sovereignty. Then, we can be shown how to handle and adapt to
ascension and full consciousness. Much of this is expected to be
carried out on spacecraft and within magnificent underground cities.
it is necessary for the Earth to cleanse and rebalance herself in
preparation for ascension. This preparation has been part of the
reason for many extreme weather conditions that the planet has been
going through in recent years. Much volcanic and earthquake activity
has been loosening the tectonic underwater landmasses of Lemuria in
the Pacific Ocean (which sank about 25, 000 years ago), and Atlantis
in the Atlantic Ocean (which sank about 12, 000 years ago). As part
of the rebalancing, these landmasses of Lemuria and Atlantis must
come to the surface. They hold ancient temples and pyramids, which
have to be reactivated.
Magma upwelling within the Earth's shell towards her solid crust has
been heating the oceans for some time now. This causes the so-called
El Nino and La Nina effects, particularly in equatorial regions.
Two large ice crystal layers, known as firmaments, will be re-formed
around the planet. These layers keep certain energies contained on
Earth and will give the whole planet a semi-tropical climate. They
also prevent degrading rays from reaching Earth from outer space.
Water from the melting polar caps and seawater will be used in the
firmaments. The collapse of these layers in ancient times was the
cause of great floods and much loss of life on the planet. People in
those times were twice as tall as we are now due to the protection
from DNA degradation. The layers will form from about 15, 000 to 18,
000 ft (4, 500m to 5, 500m), and from 35, 000 to 38, 000ft (10, 700
to 11, 600m). Gaps will occur at the North and South Poles, and the
firmaments will be higher when following contours of high mountain
Other landmasses will alter, and more seas and inland lakes will be
formed. All life forms, animals, and plants will be removed before
this happens. Humanity will be mainly relocated into inner Earth
cities while all this occurs. Even after our ascension, some Earth
changes are expected to continue.
More people can now confirm what is happening by tuning into their
Higher Self /Soul/I Am Presence during meditation. This "going
within" process has been practiced on Earth well before religions
and philosophical groups formed. People can assist by visualizing
Light energies in the form of unconditional love anchoring onto and
within the planet. Love conquers all! It produces peace, healing,
harmony, and oneness.
The anticipated changes to a new monetary system and world
forgiveness of debt is likely to also change government structures
in the near future. If the few remaining controlling cabals on this
planet don't allow these changes, then first contact with our space
and spiritual friends is likely to be brought on more quickly than
expected. Should the changes occur, then greater financial and
spiritual abundance will be available to all mankind. Divisions
between races and countries will cease.
There are many people working quietly in the wings of government,
judicial and financial systems to assist the implementation of these
changes. We should be introduced to them soon.
More free energy devices will become available, particularly for
powering our homes and transport systems. These inventions have been
available for some time. This has been pointed out in the Disclosure
Project crusade, headed by Dr Steven Greer and friends who are
showing the world the extent of Earth's secret contact with ET
civilizations over the last 60 years. We are in the Time of Truth
where many hidden truths, including those of the Shadow Government
must come to the surface.
The occurrence of many disastrous Earth changes, producing much loss
of life, is now unlikely due to the great increase in mass
consciousness in recent weeks since the September 11 atrocities,
caused not by isolated terrorists but by those people controlling
the US Government It is still possible though, on a day-to-day
basis, that some volcanic and earthquake activity will still occur.
Those loved ones who have already passed over are likely to join us
in higher dimensions, if that was their choice. Others who have, and
will pass over in the future, may already have decided at a higher
level that they are not ready for ascension to higher dimensions
yet. They will reincarnate onto a 3rd dimensional planet, possibly
held within the large battle planet Nibiru, soon to become a part of
our solar system.
Stand by for an interesting ride.
A.D. 2012 - Is Something Big Coming?
"A birthing planet vibrating at a lower tone than evolving
Earth is preparing itself to receive beings who prefer to embrace
greed and power,
those who desire to control, possess and destroy that which is not
rightfully theirs.
The awaiting planet is far from Earth, but it is not altogether unlike
.:Arcturian Songs of the Masters of Light -- Patricia L. Pereira:.
There have been many prophesies for us to think about over the ages.
Some have materialized while others have not.
All prophecy is fluid and changeable. The future is not set in stone.
The reason is simple. We create our own reality through our collective
thinking (mass consciousness). What a prophet "sees" is one of the
probable outcomes of our future. If we don't like what the prophet has
to say, we have the power to change it.
Cosmic cycles are nothing new to our ancestors and are a part of the
lore and history of many ancient civilizations. For example, the
Mayans studied them with a passion and they formed the basis of their
sky religion.
This is also the end of the 2160-year Age of Pisces, the beginning of
Aquarius, the close of the Mesoamerican fifth world and the ending of
the Kali Yuga of the Hindus. The sacred scriptures of the Indian Vedas
describe cycles of creation spanning millions of years in the past
including civilizations that flourished and those that decayed and
The momentous crossroads in cosmic time we are fast approaching at
2012 has been prophesized by the Hopis, the Mayans, the Aztecs and
many others. Some of that information is briefly summarized below.
In addition, I've also excerpted below fifteen different sources of
channeled transmissions that I take seriously. All are saying the same
basic thing. And I find it hard to ignore.
Here is the information that has influenced my thinking...
The Maya
The Maya mysteriously appeared out of the mist some 4,000 years ago.
To this day, no one knows where those ancient people came from. Nor do
we know where they suddenly disappeared to around 800 A.D. Edgar Cayce
says they came from the Pleiades.
Nevertheless, the Mayan artifacts tell us in no uncertain terms that
they were master astronomers with an intimate knowledge of the
heavens. And they were obsessed with recording cycles of cosmic time.
The Maya described five different ages that existed in the distant
past, each lasting some 5,125 years. They have also told us that each
of those ages ended in cataclysmic cleansing of the negative karma
that was created by mankind. Then, with the start of each new era, the
evolution of mankind would begin again from the seeds of the survivors
left behind.
According to the Maya, the fifth and final age began approximately
5,125 years ago. One has to wonder why their calendar, constructed
more than two thousand years ago, mysteriously ended with the fifth
age at "zero point," on the winter solstice of 2012? Is there no next age?
The Hopis
The Hopi, whose name means "people of peace," have sacred traditions
that go back thousands of years. Their time-honored teachings point to
certain prophecies that would manifest just before a great
purification takes place on planet Earth. It would be a time when the
world would shudder and tremble causing much destruction, in order to
cleanse the planet of the karmic negativity we have created while
serving as its caretakers. Not too long ago, the Hopis have said that
those prophecies have now completed. It appears that the time for
purification is upon us, as we approach 2012.
Here are some of the signs heralding the coming purification telling
us that it is near...
Trees everywhere will be dying (it's going on right now).
People will build a house a throw it in the sky (Skylab, Mir, the
current space station)
Cold places will become hot and hot places cold (that is happening
with global warming, global weather patterns are changing)
Land will sink beneath the sea and rise above it (such changes have
already begun)
The appearance of a blue star (in 1987 a blue star made its presence
known when a hot blue super-giant exploded and made world history as a
spectacular supernova)
There will be paths in the sky (airplane contrails and chemtrails)
There will be cobwebs in the air (power lines all over the United States)
A "gourd of ashes" will be dropped from the sky to burn the land and
boil the oceans (atomic bomb)
These signs are pretty obvious and all have come to pass.
On the Hopi Reservation there is a picture story carved into a rock
that is so sacred to them no one is allowed to photograph it. Some
outside the Hopi tribe have been allowed to see it and have drawn
pictures of what they remembered. That picture story is a diagram of a
life plan that would guide us through this time in history. A time
when there will be much turmoil and destruction.
The simple picture prophecy says there are two parallel paths for
humanity to walk as we make our choices. One is a path of darkness,
while the other is a path of Light. We can move freely back and forth
between each one for a long time (many lives) because the Great Spirit
wants us to explore and experience different ways of life. But, a
moment in history will arrive when we must make a final choice between
the two. That moment has arrived.
Those who choose the path of darkness are shown in the pictograph as
people whose heads hover above their bodies, while walking a path that
turns into a broken zigzag and leads to nowhere. These people will
experience the great purification (shift) as a time of confusion and
chaos that leads to destruction. Those who have chosen a way of Light
have a clear, strong path ahead of them, as they live to advanced ages.
The Hopis are also briefly mentioned in Shirley MacLaine's latest
book, "The Camino." She says that
"I had friends in the States who were involved with the Hopi Indian
tribe. The Hopis said that the last decade of the twentieth century
and after the turn of the millennium, it would be necessary for man to
'tie himself to a tree.' In other words, 'big wind.'
The Hopis also said the weather would become unpredictable and would
'cleanse away many things with wind and rain.' They said we must each
be self-sustained and go back to growing our food from Mother Earth.
Above all, they said, man needed to go within himself in order to gain
spiritual understanding of what would be happening. Their prophecies
matched the Mayan prophecies."
Fingerprints of the Gods -- Graham Hancock
In his best selling book, Fingerprints of the Gods, Graham Hancock
conducted an exhaustive investigation into mankind's remote past. This
effort took him all over the world from the Great Sphinx, to the
Hopis, to the Andean ruins and to the monuments of many ancient
civilizations, including the Maya. Hancock believes that within the
records and monuments of these ancient civilizations there is an
important message for us.
Graham concludes that in our distant past there were others who were
very advanced technologically, but not spiritually, such as the
Atlanteans. This imbalance led to their demise. The "fingerprints" of
information that our ancestors left for us to discover and contemplate
warn of terrible Earth changes that periodically afflict our planetary
home. And the end of another cycle appears to be upon us.
The Transmissions
As mentioned above, there are 13 different sources of channeled
information I've seriously considered that say we are about to
experience a profound and radical change (shift) on this planet. It
appears we have been at this point before without successfully
balancing the material and the spiritual aspects of our lives. As a
result, Earth went through drastic physical changes to cleanse the
negative karma we've created and we had to start all over again.
However, there appears to be an additional twist to what is coming.
Not only is a cleansing expected, but along with the upheaval, a fork
could occur in the road of human destiny around the year 2012. One
fork represents the continuation of the 3rd dimension, the dimension
of physicality in which we now find ourselves. The other will be a
newly opened path to a higher dimension, which will lead to the Golden
Years the ancients spoke of long ago. The choices we make, and the
quality of life we lead, will determine which path opens for us.
Here are some channeled transmissions for the coming changes that
have influenced my thinking. Many of them reference the year 2012.
Revelation David Spangler (1970s)
"Great changes have occurred in kingdoms beyond yours and they are
also moving into a new heaven and new earth."
"My power has been liberated and all now move swiftly toward their
appointed destinies as their consciousnesses have chosen. Your world
shall become - and swiftly it shall become - two worlds. You will call
one light and one dark, but I am in both of them"
"Increasingly, the worlds will move apart in consciousness until they
are absolutely separate and perceive each other no more. For it is
written that two will be at work in the vineyards; one shall be taken
and the other remain. I shall snatch you up to me."
"Seek me and you have found peace... Let no man who would be of me
have fear."
"The old will disappear. Human level consciousness by itself can no
longer resolve the complexities it has created."
"I have come to shepherd the old into a place of its further
outworking. I have stated that no sheep that is lost shall go unsought."
"The old must pass away. It has served its purpose in the cycles of
evolution and must now make way for a new, more expanded and more
fruitful manifestation."
"Always be prepared for change. I have stated that all may change in
the twinkling of an eye and you may find yourselves in another world
of consciousness, opportunity, and behavior entirely."
"In terms of physical personality relationships, I can be a sword
that divides and separates. Release them to me, no matter where their
destiny leads them."
Flight Into Freedom -- God Spoke To Me -- Eileen Caddy Cofounder of
The Findhorn Community (1970s-1980s)
"Wake up to the turbulent state of the world. Humankind is drawing
further away from the source of all good into the darkness. You can
feel the unrest, the disquiet, everywhere. Humans have brought this
upon themselves by their free will. The have made the choice of power,
greed, hatred, jealousy and envy and must take the consequences. There
is no hope of averting the landslide, but exactly how it is to be
brought about can be sped up or slowed down by the behaviour of the
human race."
"This is the turning point for every soul. The die has been cast, and
each soul has to make a choice: a turning towards the light or the
dark. The day many have been waiting for is over. The cosmic power
released at that appointed moment, felt by you and many others, has
begun to reverberate around the universe. Nothing will stop it."
"Great changes are about to take place in the whole universe. It will
not be a comfortable time. It is important that each one has no fear,
no concern, knowing that this great upheaval is necessary before the
next step can be taken."
The Ra Material - Book 1 Don Elkins, Carla Rueckert & James Allen
McCarty (1970s)
"There is going to be a Harvest, as you might call it, a harvest of
souls that will shortly occur on your planet. We are attempting to
extract the greatest possible harvest from this planet. This is our
mission, for we are the Harvesters."
"In order to be most efficient, we are attempting to create first a
state of seeking among the people of this planet who desire to seek...
We offer them no concrete proof, as they have a way of expressing it.
We offer them Truth. This is an important function of our mission - to
offer Truth without proof. In this way, the motivation will, in each
and every case, come from within the individual."
"I am Ra. One major cycle is approximately 25,000 of your years.
There are three cycles of this nature during which those who have
progressed may be harvested at the end of the three major cycles. That
is, approximately between 75 and 76,000 of your years. All are
harvested regardless of their progress, for during that time the
planet itself has moved through the useful part of that dimension, and
begins to cease being useful for the lower levels of vibration within
that density."
"I am Ra. This inconvenience (Earth changes) or disharmonious
vibratory complex, has begun several of your years in your past. It
shall continue unabated for a period of approximately thirty of your
(This transmission was given in 1981. Thirty years later would be 2011).
The Starseed Transmissions Starseed - The Third Millennium Return of
the Bird Tribes --
Ken Carey (1970s-1980s)
"Our mission is to bring a pre-Fall state of awareness to all human
beings who are able to respond, however different they may be,
whatever background they may have come from..."
"You are being given an opportunity to enter a new reality. It is
already here for those with eyes to see. Soon it will be the only
reality to be seen. Those who tune into the new frequencies (of love)
will find life growing more wondrous every day. Those who tune into
fear will find things falling apart. The worlds of consciousness will
begin to form ever more distinctly; the world of Love and Life, and
the world of fear and death."
"... you will think of all the years of your history up until The
Coming shortly after Second Millennium A.D., as being years of
darkness, years in spent the womb. You will remember nothing about them."
"As the twentieth century draws to a close, a new generation - your
own - finds itself settled along the very banks of the river. Already
pioneers have set out from among you to explore the other shore. Soon
there will be a massive crossing of human beings from one side of this
river to the other, from the subconscious realms, where fear is the
primary source of motivation, to the conscious realms, which know only
the motives of love."
"Those few who may choose to remain behind will not be uncared for.
They will experience an age of further history, much like the history
that humans have experienced in the past."
"Five Centuries before the dawn of the present era, in the jungles of
the Yucatan, we brought to the Awakened Ones of that age a timetable,
which they carefully recorded in stone. The Mayan Calendar is
recovered now from moss, fern, lizard and leaf. In it are chiseled the
dates of the Great Purification, dates that correspond to your years,
1987 to 2011. The winter solstice of the last year of this intensified
twenty-five year cycle will see the purification complete, the era of
human history brought forever to a close."
An Introduction to the Keys of Enoch J. J. Hurtak (1973)
"While I was in the act of prayer calling upon the name of the
Father, asking to know the meaning of life and for what reason I was
called into the world, my room suddenly became full of a different
type of light. And in the presence of this 'Light' a great Being stood
before me who announced that he was Master Ophanim Enoch."
"The being asked if I were ready to go with him to the Father's
midst, and I said I was."
So begins J. J. Hurtak's surreal experience, during which he was
given the 64 Keys of Enoch that explain how the Seven Seals of the
Book of Revelation will be broken (decoded).
The 64 Keys will help to "bring a new cosmology of consciousness in
explaining how the Brotherhoods of Light will work with members of the
human race who can accept the promise of a new life."
Below are some excerpts from this book, which point to the coming
changes that will affect every one on this planet.
"There is presently occurring a space-time overlap with the 'Higher
Evolution' as the Earth's solar system enters an electromagnetic null
zone, a vacuum area in space which will change the magnetic forces of
"The change of the electromagnetic density in the Earth's atmosphere
will activate some species to become more violent and other species to
more Christ-like as man is pulled either into an upward spiral of
Light or negated by the breakdown of the old electromagnetic frequency.
This will bring about a complete reorganization of the Earth's life
"Before the new story of creation happens, the Earth will go through
gross geo-magnetic and catastrophic changes as the magnetic regions of
the North and South Pole release 'their torque,' spinning the shell
(crustal surface) of the Earth into the new program of existence."
"For behold, the field is white and ready for harvest... the Creator
of this local 'galactic universe' will gather the remaining righteous
on this Earth who will be 'graduated' to go on to Light-Life worlds."
"And it will occur after the wars between the Sons of Light versus
the Sons of Darkness that a 'New Age' will occur for all of mankind
surviving the great changes..."
"There is a forming of the new worlds at this time for there is to be
soon existent new planets... The Nine shall place upon the new realms
those 'physical souls' who have perfected themselves upon the Earth
plane. Those souls who have evolved to the highest point of
advancement on Earth shall be of the New Creation."
"The younger souls of the faithful who survive the old program will
become the physical seed of the Christ people upon the planet. The
faithful who are already initiated into the many gifts will be taken
to other planets. This will come to pass only after the unrighteous
are removed from the face of the earth. At that time the earth will be
in a new electromagnetic orbit and there will be new heavens and new
We The Arcturians Norma Milanovich, Ph.D.(1980s)
"This transitional period through which the Earth is now passing is
unlike any that has ever been experienced in the records of beloved
Terra. It will be another 26,000 years before the planet again, has
the opportunity to assume the strength and position that it will soon
experience in the New Age."
"Humankind is just beginning to feel a shift of consciousness
resulting in a happier condition... Individuals of higher states of
consciousness are beginning to separate themselves from those
individuals of lower, more angry states. The vibrational frequencies
of the two sets of individuals are beginning to clash... this clash
will become more obvious."
"Planet Earth is beginning to prepare for the cleansing of negative
energy that surrounds her. You have already seen the signs with the
violent weather changes, volcanoes that have erupted and will continue
to erupt, earthquakes, and the changing ozone layer... The energy of
humankind has polluted beloved Terra long enough. The cleansing will
be complete."
"You see, each planet and star system goes through similar periods of
trials and errors as the Earth is doing right now. We are here to help
one of the most difficult birthing processes that has ever been the
challenge to any of the Beings in the universe."
"The people of Earth are on a path that is irreversible. On this
journey, they must realize that Light and love are the only two
qualities that can be adhered to for advancement into the New Age."
"But souls must choose which one they will master. There are only two
choices: there is love and Light, or there is fear. Choose, our
dearest brothers and sisters of the universe. And make this choice
before the portal of time into this new dimensional frequency closes
and makes the choice for you."
"There is no punishment for those who choose not to enter this
Kingdom (Golden Age), and it is clear that many souls on Earth today
are not ready to make this journey with their magnificent master
(Christ). The only 'punishment' is time, as you have defined it on
Earth. Those who do not wish to take part in Jesus' hospitality, are
those who must wait for the next appropriate time when the portal will
again be opened. This portal in time will occur again approximately
26,000 years from the present moment."
E. T. 101 Zoev Jho (late 1980s)
"The old world's systems are in collapse. Those who wish to continue
in those systems will be graciously asked to leave, because their
motivator, fear, is being relocated to another planet where its
subdivisions are still welcome."
"In fulfillment of Native American prophecies, intergalactic and
interdimensional forces have gathered on this planet at this time to
liberate her in the name of Spirit."
"The Earth has elected to evolve beyond limitation; however, anyone
who opts to explore that process further is free to do so - just not
on this planet. Such people will be allowed to continue their
experiments with limitation on some other piece of planetary property
that is at a less advanced stage in its evolution."
"This is the most critical moment of change in this planet's history,
and your assistance in that change is vital."
Kryon - The End Times Kryon -
Alchemy of the Human Spirit Partnering with God Lee Carroll (1990s)
"... regardless of how peaceful you have become, and regardless of
your level of enlightenment, you absolutely will react to the stress
of the earth. As for the question of mass termination: Will it be
necessary for large numbers of humankind to be terminated in order to
achieve balance? The answer is yes. The numbers, however, only
approach one percent of the life force here. This will not be global
"Who will it be? It is thus: those with absolutely no hope whatsoever
of achieving any greater enlightenment than they already have will
move on."
"The oldest tribes on the planet are very aware of what is happening,
for their calendars predicted it. The change, however, will be
different than expected. It will be the age of graduation instead of
an ending of life. It is the graduation of the Earth and the entering
of it into new areas of the galaxy (formerly hidden). It will be the
graduation of the human being into a new consciousness, and new ways
of life (formerly hidden)."
"No human welcomes the kind of change that a planetary upheaval can
bring. As I have mentioned before, the human and the Earth are not
just related, but are interactive and considered as one entity."
"The year 2012 will then be what you call a marker that will meld
slowly into a new time... so look at your Mayan calendar to find out
what it says about 2012. Look into the past to see what spiritual
historians have said about 2012..."
"For the year 2012, if you believe your ancient history and also the
ones that foretold about time itself, is when your time apparently
ends! What could that mean? Some have said it means the end of the
planet - termination. However, it really means change, dear ones."
"The ascension timeline is a 24-year window. From the end of 1997 on,
or about the beginning of 2001, is the window."
"We have told you that some may go partway and that it's appropriate
to stop - and that there is no judgment over this. We have also told
you that some will go all the way. What's going to happen in 2012?
Another measurement. And if, dear ones, that measurement is found to
be a certain vibration, you are all going to see an entirely different
planet - and that is what is going to trigger the mass landing."
The P'taah Tapes Transformation of the Species An Act of Faith Jani
King (early 1990s)
"... your planet has gone through cyclic changes as has humanity...
And now, dear ones, the whole Earth is quickening. The heart of
humanity is quickening in anticipation of the culmination of this
epoch... this year 1992 is important because it truly does mark the
beginning of what has been historically called in your ancient
writings 'the last days.'"
"Now it is very important for all to understand that this timing, the
world as you know it, will fall into greater and greater chaos... The
failure of your institutions and the Earth changes, have already
begun, but will accelerate in 1992."
"It (the changes) will affect the galaxies, dear one. These changes
are not merely confined to this planet. It is a different alignment of
star systems; it is not only this planet. It is coming into a
different alignment of universes... it is beneficial to many worlds
that your transition be one of great beauty, that it is one of joy,
that it be one of love, that there be absence of fear."
"There is room for millions and millions and millions of creations
within the same space. There is not merely one Earth."
"So in this time to come, which is very soon in your historical
times, the Earth will shift and change; the consciousness of humanity
will expand and expand and it will rise to what is called a higher
"There are many of you who are terrified that you will die before the
'big bang' and cannot experience the reality of the fourth dimension.
Well, you will not miss out. I promise you."
"... what will be occurring in the next twenty of your years is that
the portal will grow until it encircles the Earth, thus signifying the
change... and as we have said before, your planet, that you believe is
a concrete solid mass, is in fact many Earths occupying the same
space, but in a different time continua."
"The transition, the coming into ONENESS of all things, may be as
quickly as the blink of the eye... For those who do not desire it,
they will not experience it. Always, always it is your choice."
St. Germain - Earth Birth Changes Azena (early 1990s)
"It is nigh unto the ripeness of time - indeed - a culmination of
eons of time unto the harvest. The time is now... The rapture will
allow you to perceive fourth density... therefore third density will
no longer be able to perceive you, for you will be simultaneously
existing, coexisting in the same space/time, but merely not perceived,
because it is of a different frequency."
"The year 2012 of your time is the apex of it. It is a convergence
point into unlimitedness..."
"Alright. Cycles - there are cycles within cycles within cycles.
There are many, many, many different cycles that are culminating in
this now. The reason for the focus on planet Earth, and for all the
galactic confederations coming forth unto this area of your solar
system, is because the universe is in the shifting of densities.... it
is also occurring to the astral body of Earth, the etheric body Earth,
and the soul body of Earth."
"There are other third density Earths..."
"These particular dates (2012) are all shifting, because
consciousness is shifting all the time. It is a flux. It appears that
it is somewhere between 2010 and 2013 of your now."
"and when fourth density or super-consciousness comes upon the plane,
it will not be perceiving third density and third density will not be
perceiving fourth density, for they will be different dimensions then.
Now they are co-existent dimensions, and when super-consciousness
prevails, the shift will occur and that is called a rapture."
"In many references your harvest is your fourth density
transformation, your ascension. Some would call it rapture."
Songs of the Arcturians - Songs of Melantor - Arcturian Songs of the
Masters of Light
-- Patricia Pereira
"Your planet is calibrating its celestial resonating periods. That is
to say, its vibrational third-dimensional density state is being
transplanted by fourth- and fifth-density restructuring in accordance
with harmonics that are sung by the universe.
"Earth is in the midst of a quantum event. The radical quickening, or
speeding up, of time is but one aspect of the ethereal adjustments
being made in preparation for a massive spatial transfer of the planet
and its inhabitants."
"Firm notice is hereby given to those who have no sense of moral or
ethical integrity in accordance with Universal Law, those who
dissipate their energies in destructive acts, will not find themselves
inhabiting this world in the future."
"Nevertheless, the illusionary substance of the third-dimensional
plane, in which you barely function, will continue to dissolve as your
planet submits to the processes of cosmic rebirth. The massive
continental plates rumble and quake. Unleashed, natures energies -
water, fire, and wind - escalate in intensity as Earth Mother cleanses
herself in preparation for the transformation of her cellular mass
into higher octave dimensions."
"We have come to Earth to harvest our crops - the precious starseeds.
The day nears for us to bundle them up and transport them Home."
"Mother Earth has begun a process to remove the scabs of industrial
pollution that cover her careworn face. She is readying herself to
slough off the disease and decay that torment her delicate skin...
Those who survive the upcoming deluge are destined to take a
grandstand seat at her greatest performance."
"Although a series of catastrophic-appearing occurrences are
scheduled prior to the cessation of this phase of human history,
humanity's greatest fear - that of total annihilation - is not a
planned event."
"Many will not ascend when the starships come to Earth. Vast numbers
of humans have very young Souls and are not yet evolved to the point
when they can grasp concepts of Universal Law or think of Planet Earth
as a living being... Many young souls by necessity will travel in the
ways of darkness, for the pathway though the lower realms is one that
must be taken by developing Souls."
"End time events are carefully orchestrated and are unfolding
according to Divine Plan. In spite of dire predictions of a dying
civilization, a new-dawn world will be erected on the labors of brave
humans like you who have challenged yourself to awaken. Like a phoenix
you are rising from the ashes of an outdated time to germinate the
structures of an entirely new whole-Earth society. The inhabitants of
this newly structured world, aware of their familial connection to the
inhabitants of the galactic core, will live in peace, harmony and
unconditional love."
Conversations with God Book 3 Neale Donald Walsch (late 1990s)
"Walsch: You mean I can avoid the Earth shifting on its axis, or
being smashed by a meteor, or being crumpled by earthquakes, or be
caught in the confusing and hysterical aftermath of Y2K?
God: You can definitely avoid being affected negatively by any of that.
Walsch: That wasn't what I asked You.
God: But it is what I answered. Face the future fearlessly,
understanding The Process and seeing the perfection of it all.
That peace, that serenity that calmness will lead you away from most
of the experiences and outcomes others would have called "negative."
God continued:... I am saying that once before on your planet you had
reached the heights - beyond the heights, really, - to which you now
are slowly climbing. You had a civilization on Earth more advanced
than the one now existing. And it destroyed itself.
Not only did it destroy itself, it nearly destroyed everything else
as well. It did this because it did not know how to deal with the very
technologies it had developed. Its technological evolution was so far
ahead of its spiritual evolution that it wound up making technology
its God.
Walsch: This all happened here, on this Earth?
God: Yes
Walsch: Are you talking about the Lost City of Atlantis?
God: Some of you have called it that.
Walsch: And Lemuria? The land of Mu?
God: That is also part of your mythology.
Walsch: So then it is true? We did get to that place before?
God: Oh beyond it, My Friend. Way beyond it.
Walsch: And we did destroy ourselves?
God: Why are you surprised? You're doing the same thing now."
Messages From Heaven Patricia Kirmond (late 1990s)
These messages come from a man who past away when he was 80 years of
age. He sent the transmissions to his twin flame, the author of this book.
"The nation (USA) is experiencing a time similar to when the Roman
Empire crumbled and when the continent of Atlantis sank. People's
senses grow dull. They do not feel the deterioration of the basic
moral fiber of the nation, or they feel it and do not know what to do
about it."
"I do not feel that you will avoid all cataclysm, but you still have
time to change the worst portents."
"... for people who do not understand the law of cycles. New cycles
cannot begin until the karma of the previous cycle is cleared."
"You must prepare for some very hard years on a planetary scale. No
one will be totally free from cataclysm and earth changes."
"What people find hard to understand is that in this period of time
major karma has come due."
"I can tell you that the energies are intensifying. When energies
intensify, people are often tested in unprecedented ways."
"At times like this, people are facing increased returning karma so
they can balance the maximum amount before the turning of cycles. This
can be a test that pushes you toward the limits of what you feel you
can handle. Remember to stay anchored in God when all seems to be in
"Before a Golden Age can occur, every jot and tittle of karma comes
up for balancing... The cosmic justice system is one of the most
incredible things I have come to understand. We are given free will to
create and select as we wish, but we are also given accountability."
"It is important to remember our ancient history. During former
golden ages, life was peaceful and justice reigned."
"The ascended masters have been warning lightbearers for years
concerning the necessity for worldwide change and the possible earth
changes that will need to occur as a result of mankind's misuse of
"What the masters are saying is that no one will be completely
spared. No matter what, a certain level of cataclysm will occur."
The Calling Amitabh through Rasha (late 1990s)
The wisdom in The Calling is from a collective, loving consciousness
called "Amitabh." The Amitabh energy is The Father Consciousness whose
information is Divine Guidance from an aspect of God.
"What has come to be termed Christ Consciousness is the condition
that all souls who survive into the Great Spiritual Age will attain.
For in the coming times, none will remain who are defined by the
limitation of physical _expression."
"Freedom from fear of this momentary crossing-over (death) is a
rudimentary prerequisite for functioning even at the most basic level
in the times to come. For the transition will be massive, sudden and
"The fact of death will become a routine fact of life, as the
majority of souls currently incarnate will chose either to pre-empt
the coming times, or make their transition en masse with the bulk of
"Those whose destiny it is to remain physically incarnate on this
planet will need to have a deep-seated understanding that this turn of
events is not an ending, but rather a beginning. A fresh start of
historic significance."
"One should expect to see many instances of political upheaval, wars,
uprisings and other instances of mass chaos in the coming times as
unenlightened souls find themselves, unknowingly, at the effect of the
shifting vibrational energy forces."
"For a massive purging has been called for upon this planet for these
times... and this will be accomplished in a multitude of ways... not
merely with ecological occurrences, as has been commonly believed.
Mankind will, in essence, annihilate itself in many areas of the globe
in the coming times. And the behaviors causing the widescale societal
breakdown to come will be a primary way in which that purging is
"There will be massive exits in the times to come. Illness will be
epidemic. 'Accidents' will be rampant. Seismic disturbance and unusual
weather conditions will claim a toll in human life. There will be much
suffering and much fear. And in the confusion you may choose to shift
your energies to a mode of calm, determined action aimed at
maintaining your spiritual equilibrium under those conditions."
"Those who permit themselves to be swept into a state of panic and
despair over the upheavals of these times are less likely to be able
to withstand, psychologically and emotionally, the times to come."
"You must become conditioned now to deal with absolutely any
situation with a cool head and with a God-centered focus of heart.
Know that it is Divine Will that these times represent the culmination
of a spiritual cycle, and that the completion of the old is a
necessary prerequisite for the rebirth of the new."
"There are many in these times who are inclined to dismiss the
information about the seriousness of the times to come... And that
cleansing the planet of its physical and karmic filth is not a
negative but rather a positive."
"Know that this is not the first time in the history of your planet
that such a purging has taken place. It is, from a more timeless
perspective, a regular occurrence that reflects the conditions of the
times and the consciousness of the incarnate souls in question."
"The time for carting away that which no longer serves you is now.
The time for beginning to build the fundamental structure that will
support you in the role you have chosen to play in the times to
come... is now. The time for recognizing your unlimited, Divine
essence... is now. And the time for 'polishing' that essence,
purifying that essence, and preparing that essence to serve God
without reservation... is now. And to know... without question... that
for you, there truly is no other way."
A Master Speaks through Benjamin Creme (late 1970s-1990s)
In another part of this web site, I describe the possibility that
Christ may be on planet Earth at this very moment. I do not do so
blindly or without thoroughly researching such claims.
I recently read a book called "A Master Speaks." After reading a few
pages I immediately knew it had a very profound message. As a matter
of fact, it had a message that went way beyond the profound.
Interestingly, the book makes no claim for an author on the front
cover. It was simply an inspired series of teachings and insights
given to a Benjamin Creme during the 1970's.
Who wrote the book? The author was a Master whose inspired insights
and teachings were then transcribed into words by Mr. Creme. Now, that
in itself is not unusual for this New Age. There are many spiritually
inspired books available today but here's what really got my attention.
The Master told Benjamin Creme, among other things, that the World
Teacher --Christ-- the Master of all the Masters -- would return in
about 20 years and that he (Creme) would have a role to play in the
event if he chose to accept it.
Furthermore, Christ would be known as Maitreya, a name purposely
chosen for its neutrality among nations so that no one single religion
could selfishly claim Christ as their own "messiah."
Also, Maitreya was not here to form a religion but to play the same
role He came to planet Earth for 2000 years ago... as a Teacher of
Righteousness, to show us how to end injustice in this world through
sharing and unconditional love for all.
According to the Master and Benjamin Creme, Maitreya (Christ) has
been in London, England as an ordinary man since 1973 living in an
Asian community. He now works behind the scenes with others to prepare
the way for His public emergence, which can occur at any time. His
presence will be confirmed on the "Day of Declaration" when He will
appear on worldwide television. When that happens His energy will
unmistakably enter all of us, hundreds of thousands of spontaneous
healings will occur and there will be no doubt that He is the World
Teacher for humanity.
These are no small claims to say the least. If true, it would be the
most profound event in the history of mankind. I was keenly aware that
others have made "Christ is here" proclamations in the past and I
wondered to myself why this was any different. What got my attention
is that everything about the message and the intentions of Mr. Creme
feels right. As a result, I keep an open mind to the possibility that
he made indeed be a modern day prophet.
Furthermore, the messages say that humanity is at a crossroads, the
future of which is dependent upon mankind's choices now. Should we
make the highest choices, a new spiritual man and spiritual woman will
be born into the Age of Aquarius, reflecting more and more their
divine heritage.
Here are two statements that sum up the message of Maitreya and
Benjamin Creme...
"Many times have you heard Me say that My coming means change.
Specifically, the greatest change will be in the hearts and minds of
men, for My return among you is a sign that men are ready to receive
new life." -- Maitreya
"If I am correct, we are about to witness a total transformation of
every aspect of our lives: we will create a new civilization more
brilliant than has yet existed on this planet." -- Benjamin Creme
There is a lot of sobering information presented on this page.
Creating it did not come easy for me. I received a lot of spiritual
wisdom and insight from the above transmissions and I benefited a
great deal from them.
However, much of the information about the coming Earth changes was
hard for me to ignore. Believe me, my intent is not to create fear
here. Rather, with humility and love, I wish to inspire thought a
sense of wonder about these messages and let the reader decide for
himself or herself.
What continues to intrigue me is...
There are 6 billion souls on planet Earth now. Where did we all come
from? Apparently, all of us somehow participated in the creation of
the current condition on planet Earth and it is our karmic
responsibility to be here at this moment in time.
We are now at the end of the Great 25,920-year cycle that the Mayans
and many other ancient civilizations were so focused on. And they
always wanted to know where they were in that cycle, because their
lives depended upon it.
Half way through the Great Cycle, or about 13,000 years ago, Edgar
Cayce said that the last of Atlantis went into the sea because of a
major cataclysm. And the reason for the destruction of Atlantis was
that its inhabitants were too focused on greed, self-pleasure and
materialism. Sound familiar?
Over the past 40 years there has been a great wave of UFOs and crop
circles witnessed on this planet, as if to raise attention to our
cosmic heritage.
Over that same period of time a massive amount of spiritual/New Age
information has been disseminated throughout the world via books, mass
media and the Internet raising our awareness as spiritual beings.
The Hopi Indian prophecies have now been revealed and have come to pass.
This is also a time of rapid global warming and associated Earth
changes are occurring at a rate that is much faster than expected. Why
Why has all of the above happened at a time when materialism,
self-gratification and deception are reaching unprecedented levels in
human history?
A long time ago, the Mayan calendar described 2012 as the end of the
5th age, or the end of the Great Cycle, which will be followed by a
great cleansing. How did they know that so much would be going on at
this moment in human destiny?
No one can say for sure what's coming and when it might come.
However, many others and I can sense the vibrational changes taking
place on planet Earth these days. There is no question that things
have gotten more intense for humankind over the past 15 years.
I have no doubt that there is an extraordinary shift in consciousness
taking place on this planet that will bring about the next stage of
humanity's development, whenever or however may occur. In my opinion,
that is what the New Age is about. It also appears that this shift is
resulting in the polarization of people into two different groups:
those calling for a higher level of consciousness based upon a
love-centered wholeness and sacredness to life and those who cannot
let go of their fear-based, self-serving ways of living.
There are good reasons to believe that this vibrational energy will
continue to escalate as we head towards 2012. One cannot deny that
there is an enormous amount of change taking place at a very rapid
rate. Each day the Hopi picture story comes to mind and suggests that
these are the times when heads will soon "detach" from the bodies of
those who have chosen the path of fear. Why? Because these individuals
will be challenged to the limits of their physical and mental
endurance, while trying to cope with survival in the material world.
Clearly, one can begin to see that institutions and organizations,
whose philosophies are based upon fear, deception, separation and
self-serving interests, are beginning to lose credibility and will now
crumble and die. Good examples are today's greedy corporations and
equally greedy business leaders, the White House, the military, FBI,
CIA, the Vatican/Catholic Church, Israel, and many others to numerous
to mention. Their karma is due. Their moment of truth has come.
On the contrary, new groups and organizations that desire a peaceful
and sacred approach to life based upon love, honor, respect,
self-responsibility and sharing are beginning to strengthen and
flourish. They know that the outcome of goodness during the dawning
Age of Aquarius is inevitable. They also realize that Aquarius will be
a time when we will learn to live kindly, speak works of gentleness
and wisdom, release our self-centered ways and reconnect with our soul.
As for me, I am trying my best to stay God-centered, loving,
fearless, in the moment and totally dependent upon Source for all that
comes into my life. And I will not move from that sacred place
regardless of what the future might bring.
Message from Q'uo on 2012
Jim: I'm interested in knowing what transition may be like for a dual-activated
person. Will the transition between third and fourth density bodies be seamless
or is it more abrupt, like the death process? If so, exactly how does it work?
Is it more of an individual process or is it more of a process done by the
social memory complex?
(Carla channeling)
We of those of Quo, are aware of your query, my brother, and we thank you for
it. Third density is third density. And while you are in a third-density
physical vehicle you will primarily be a third-density entity. The
fourth-density activation, however, enables you, far more than those about you,
to be tough. We think that is perhaps the simplest way to put that.
The interpenetration of third density with fourth-density energy in the
time/space sector of this development is bombarding the Earth with wave after
wave of a denser kind of light that brings all entities worst fears to the
surface and plays them out.
It is a separating device, if you will, between wheat and chaff, in biblical
terms. There are tares sown among the harvest of good that you have created in
your life[time]. These waves of energy call for the truth from you, and, so,
many of you are facing parts of yourself you never wanted to see and at which
you don't want to look.
The fourth-density-activated entities or dual-activated beings are tougher at
looking straight in the mirror of the self, seeing the weeds, and deciding on a
form of weed control.
It is up to you to decide how you want to deal with this judgment of self. We
especially want to indicate that in our opinion it is not well to judge the self
in the way of this instruments experience of the Old Testament. We do not want
you to condemn yourself. We want you to see that when a plant is not wheat, that
plant is a weed.
Do you want to pluck it out by the roots? You may, but it will take time. Do
you want to snip it off so that it may grow again but for today it does not
show? You may do that. That is your choice. But the dual activated body will
unerringly give you the toughness of mind to go for the root and to do the work
in a timely manner.
In terms of what body will be activated when: they are both activated now, but
you are in a third-density physical vehicle. You are living on a third-density
planet. You are here for a reason. Many, many others are here for the same
Those with dual activated bodies have graduated and have come back. Just as
the Elder Race, when it graduated, chose to return, so have you returned. You do
not want to go on to the exciting and even thrilling prospect of fourth-density
existence, with its greatly enhanced options for learning and for service, until
you have done your utmost, not only to help others of the human tribe to move on
into fourth density with you but also to restore and reconstitute the health of
Gaia, [1] of planet Earth, in her living form.
For many of you in dual activated bodies there is a feeling of great and
passionate desire to connect with the Earth and to love and be a good steward to
the Earth. For there is that within your consciousness as a person and in your
consciousness as part of a race of beings that you have, in the past, been part
of the destruction of a planet, a continent, a city, or family. And that
destruction has caused the Earth to grieve, to mourn, and to become disoriented.
By the time you leave this planet, the planet will know that it is loved. That
is a very large factor in many of those who are dual activated and is their
primary reason for being on the Earth at this time.
Of course, because of the fact that you chose to come into third-density
incarnation, you are always subject to the basic rules of this game. You need to
polarize in this lifetime towards service to others to an extent that enables
you once again to walk the steps of light and walk into a higher density.
Otherwise, you shall simply move on with those still in third density at the
end of this time to another third-density planet where you will continue to be
of service and to gain in memory of who you are and why you are here, until such
time as you once again get yourself on the right road, the road of your own
deepest choosing, and then walk that walk, step by step, in great thanksgiving
and joy, every day that you are privileged yet to be alive and breath the sweet
air of [planet Earth].
May we ask if there is another query? We are those of Q’uo.
Jim: The next query is:I, for one, would like a nice summation from Quo on
this whole transition phase, how the pieces come together, if we are allowed to
“As I currently understand it, a convergence of the dark brown companion star
comet cluster and wave or energy surge ushers in the shift or realm border
crossing for planet Earth from third to fourth density and all kinds of
service-to-others and service-to-self spectators are coming to watch the show.
The Ra and Quo groups have mentioned the cessation of third density around
2012. Is this correct? An aspect of service-to-self entities aren't agreeing to
this or accepting it. So after that is supposedly a thousand year transition
period on this service-to-self and service-to-others choice.
What does this thousand year period entail, a weeding out process between the
two polarities? Perhaps a last chance for those newly awakened; those whose
choice is not quite firm enough to allow full entry into fourth-density form? Or
how does this change in classrooms apply to the various groups such as
service-to-self, service-to-others, wanderers, indigos, dual-body activation,
etc., etc.
We are those of Quo, and are aware of your query. There are portions of your
query that do not make sense to us and about which we will not comment except to
say that in attempting to imagine those things which bring about the harvest,
there are sources which use information which may be seen in a non-literal sense
with much more helpfulness from that construction than attempting to make
literal sense out of some material.
Concerning the basic setup of the transition, there is a moment of transition
in terms of the planet itself. That moment of transition is at some point near
to the winter solstice of 2012. It is fairly set—cut and dried, as this
instrument would say.
For the human tribe that inhabits the surface of Planet Earth, things are not
so cut and dried. The time of choice is greatly limited now among your peoples.
This is not a cause for great concern for most of those, if not all of those,
who shall make that choice for graduation have already made the initial choice
of service to others. There is still time to make that initial choice, but you
may do the calculation necessary to see that the time is short. [The year] 2012
is within [the] lifetime [of] each of those to whom we are speaking. This is
something that you may choose and you may do completely and well in the next few
For most of you, indeed, as we said, the choice has been made. You have
decided to be of service to others. Let these next few years that remain before
2012 be a testament to your stability, your spiritual maturity, and your ability
to persevere. Bloody mindedness and sheer guts is sometimes part of what it
takes to make the choice of love.
You have to look beyond your own feelings and your own first responses and
ask, as this instrument has heard often from us and from those of the Ra group,
“Where is the love in this situation? Where is the light in this moment? When
you are prompted to ask this query of yourself, you may well find that you are
the only source you can find in that situation of love and light.
(Side one of tape ends.)
(Carla channeling)
Yes, my friends, you! You are only one being, but you have within you
consciousness. That consciousness is what this instrument would call Christ
consciousness. It is the consciousness of unconditional love.
Go looking for that consciousness. Ask for help in finding that consciousness.
Your guidance system is just waiting for you to ask for help. The angels that
surround you are breathless with anticipation that you will remember them and
call for them. They love you with a love that we cannot describe to you. It is
the love of the one Creator. They are bits of that consciousness; uncreated,
sent forth in purity, unable to enter incarnation and able only to help when
asked by incarnated beings such as yourself. Remember to ask for that help.
After these years of choice have been lived through, you may well live for
quite some time thereafter. You will not notice changes in your own ability to
breath and eat and do the natural functions of a human being. You will be able
to live out your life.
The one known as Jim was saying that in The Ra Material, the period of
transition was suggested to be perhaps between 100 and 700 of your years. The
reason it is so approximated is that we do not know who shall inspire whom with
love and with the daring to make courageous choices at difficult moments. Every
choice that you make for love extends that transitional period. And it is good
to have that time, simply to work with the earth energy and to reconstitute and
restore the health of the planet.
For those who graduate in a positive sense, their next incarnation will be on
planet Earth, unless they are wanderers and have chosen to move after graduation
into other realms or densities for further work as a wanderer.
For those graduating in the negative sense, they will go to a negatively
oriented fourth-density planet unless they are wanderers, in which case they
will be able to, after graduation, move back into whatever they feel would serve
them the best.
For those who have not chosen either service to others or service to self as a
polarity, there is still work to do in third density, the density of choice. You
shall have some more time to make that choice and it shall be upon another
Once third density winds down on planet Earth, it shall be inactive for a
time. This is due to the need of new fourth-density entities to learn the ways
of invisibility. There is no desire in fourth-density entities to disturb or
surprise third-density entities. If fourth density were visible to third
density, you would find yourself in a charming but very crowded universe made up
of elementals, nature spirits and devas, totems, fictional entities who have
gained inner-planes life because of the continued thoughts of many and so forth.
It would be an enchanting and diverse experience but it would be too much for
you to bear. You are veiled from fourth density and all other densities that
would give you these experiences because you are here in third density to
discover who you are that is, an ethical being and to decide what you want to do
with that troublesome consciousness that you have found.
May we answer you further, my brother, on that question? We are those of Quo.
Jim: No, but we do have another question, Quo, if you have time. It is from
A: We third density humans tend to categorize things the time of the year, the
races and classes of people, the species of animals and even the flavors of ice
As we've been told many times, fundamentally, all things are one. Does the
need and purpose of categorization diminish as we advance toward the higher
densities? Do we eventually lose all differentiation between ourselves and all
that exists?
(Carla channeling)
We are those of Quo, and are aware of your query, my brother. We find this to
be an interesting query in that it assumes almost the direct opposite of what is
true, but it does so because of the logic of third density. We do not operate
according to that logic.
As one rises in densities, one becomes aware of the tremendous, unimaginable
array of information. Each density has a quantum leap of information involved.
It is as if the light had more facets so that it could carry more information.
As your souls crystallize in the way water is a crystal, they become much more
easily magnetized and you become a much more fluid and responsive being. In
higher densities you are aware not of less organization but of more, for you are
not veiled and shielded from the dance of creation as a whole. That dance is
endlessly, beautifully, rhythmically, gracefully organized. All parts of the
creation are aware of all other parts of the creation.
You are familiar with this kind of dance because you see it in the second
density and first density about you all the time. The trees, the air, the
oceans, and all of the energies of nature are responsive in one holistic system,
of which you are a part, but a bumbling, awkward and unknowing part. For the
most part, you don't catch the rhythm of existence and so you don’t celebrate
life. You just accompany it. You're missing out on the celebratory aspect of
this wonderful dance of life.
So, my brother, in brief, as you rise in densities, you see the details in
much more full array than you do now. But you also see the organizing principle
of love that drives the dance. This overarching love is the consciousness of
which we were speaking earlier. Each of you possesses it and as you rest back
into both yourself and the essential nature of the world around you, you will be
led closer and closer to the immediate apprehension of the beauty of this dance.
We would encourage you, my brother, to try, as an experiment, the experience
of resting within a natural environment, far from clusters of people, and
drumming or beating upon a piece of wood with your hand or anything that enables
you to begin to express the rhythm of your being. For you have this dance within
you. Allow civilization to take a back seat for awhile and just beat the rhythm
of the beat of your heart for a while. It does not have to be a terribly long
time. It is a way of putting you in touch with the part of you that is in rhythm
and dancing with all of the rest of the unified creation of which you are an
integral and loving part.
May we ask if there is a final query at this time? We are those of Quo.
Questioner: (Inaudible. The question was about the environment of hospitals
and the typical allopathic form of healing offered by our mainstream culture.)
(Carla channeling)
We are those of Quo, and we are aware of your query. We find that our first
response may be impractical but we will offer it to you anyway.
In the first place, if it is possible to avoid an institutional setting when
you are ill, it is well to do so.
The one known as Norman, whose last name this instrument requests us to
give it is Cousins wrote a book which this instrument read, in which he spoke of
being given a terminal diagnosis. And what they suggested to him had a great
deal to do with hospitals, radiation and so forth. He decided that he did not
wish to heal himself in this way.
He figured out what it would cost him to enter a hospital for these
machinations by the medical community and realized that he had a fairly large
budget. He chose to put himself into a good hotel with room service, which
happened to be a very good room service. He installed a video player so he could
watch movies. He watched all of the Marx Brothers movies, all of the old Jerry
Lewis movies that are part of this instruments memories as a young girl, all of
the Three Stooges movies, and any other comedies he that he could lay his hands
on. He laughed himself well.
Rather than focusing on the illness and his fear of dying, he decided to focus
on his wellness and his love of life. In this entitys case, it worked well
because this entity had done the work before he was given this diagnosis to be
able to come up with this scheme.
Therefore, our first suggestion is if you can find a way not to enter an
institutional setting for healing, I encourage you to do so.
If you are going to take the institutional setting in order to accomplish
things that need to be done and you have become convinced that this is an
appropriate thing for you to do, then we would suggest that you remember that
you can create your own environment wherever you are. You can override the
environment around you. But you must know that and know it very well before you
enter such an institutional setting.
The institutional settings of so-called; health; [industry] are cesspools of
negatively-oriented energy. In the first place, my brother, there is the fear of
the patients. In the second place, there is the stink of the physical setting
itself, which is by nature and by necessity cold, easy to clean, cleaned often
and never quite cleaned to the point where the distressing odors that have been
cleaned away go away. There is always the remainder of the various waste
products of the human body that is ill that remain within the physical olfactory
senses of all those who enter it. It is a depressing place to be, simply
physically speaking, esthetically speaking, and so forth.
Thirdly, there is an aspect to doctoring, as you call it in your culture,
which is heavy and dark because of the overwork of the doctors involved in the
system and because of the completely needless attitude of utter dependency that
many patients employ in relating to doctors, nurses and other authority figures
within the health industry. This creates an irritability and an impatience
within those supposedly attempting to heal you.
And lastly, there is the metaphysical atmosphere of a hospital or other health
facility. Inner-planes entities and outer-planes entities find fear and
suffering to be excellent food and so they congregate in such places looking for
targets of opportunity.
All in all, it is a very unhealthy place to be ill and it is obviously to be
avoided if possible.
If you cannot avoid these places—and certainly this instrument has often, time
and again, been placed in the middle of a hospital situation it is still
possible to create your own healthy, light-filled environment. This instrument
and the one known as Jim have, in the past, used the Banishing Ritual of the
Lesser Pentagram [2] in order to cleanse the space of a hospital room or an
operating room. This can be done for the self and it can also be done, if
permission is given by the other entity, in absent healing for another person
who is perhaps too weak to create this cleared space herself.
We find that this instruments energy wanes. We realize that we have barely
touched upon these queries and we welcome refinements of them in the future.
Meanwhile, we thank each of you for the beauty of your beings, the harmony of
your coming together and the depth [of] character that it takes for entities as
busy as each of you are to make a special time to seek the truth. It has been a
pleasure and a privilege to share our humble thoughts with you and we would
leave you at this time, as we found you, in the love and in the light of the one
infinite Creator. Adonai. Adonai
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