Wake up Call: Hatonn May 23, 06
While we are not secure in knowing what it is that each of you ask
for in each moment, we do feel the vibration of that knowing that is
within you and that translates itself to the highest form of your
request. This is the manner in which we communicate with you, for to
honor our translation of your earthly language would be to bring
interference by the translation and to not honor the succinct energy
of your request. I Am Hatonn, and I explain further.
This is the integral part of our communication with you, and though
you are able to relay the intent of your language with one another,
it looses in the translation with us. That is why we tune in to your
energy field and we know sometimes even more clearly that which you
intend for your lives. This is reflected in that which you find
manifesting in your lives, for that is your true soul intent.
What we do know is that there is a complete and total communication
between us your higher self. When a request is made from your
conscious mind it is often a reflection of that which your higher
soul knows is most appropriate for you. In this way there is no loss
of degree of experience that will benefit you. How this translates
to your conscious mind may not be as was intended, however it is
what is giving you the most benefit at the time.
For instance, you may ask in your conscious mind for a million
dollars, when what you receive is but a mere pittance. That is what
comes as a result of your higher soul knowing that this would not be
to your higher good and would not allow you to follow your contract
and your higher intent for growth. With this manifestation can come
an acceptance of what is, or a continued frustration of what has
been in your conscious mind, and unfair circumstance for your life.
This is but one example of what we say. Another is to look at the
political scene of your world and see the times of the warring and
the unrest in all aspects of earth commerce, education, medicine,
and all other parts of earth society. You would see it be according
to the benefit of all on earth and in their best interests. We see
that as well, however there is a different perspective we bring to
the complete picture, and we can see that in most cases the idea of
the people is to bring about the end of the cabal at this moment, or
the next.
We understand that in doing so this would seem to bring about the
end of the suffering and the pain and poverty that is rampant on
your world. We can see beyond what your curtain covers up, and we
ask that you bear with us in this for we see that there are certain
steps that are taken on earth that change the way we are involved in
this project and the way we must approach what takes place in our
final plan of intervention.
Realize that with the options that are given us, we are doing what
we can to bring about a peaceful end to this matter. We see that
with the changes we must remain open and able to change course even
in midstream of one of our actions. With this ability to see the
results of actions taken and to see the long-term results of what
takes place, we are able to make instant decisions about our
activities with the cabal.
Yes, we are acting within and alongside many of the members of the
cabal and in as such we are able to defuse many a situation that has
been designed to destroy and bring about chaos that would reap
galactic repercussions. We are able to stop certain measures that
would have brought some segments of society to their knees and
allowed the cabal to take yet another step upward on the ladder of
their success.
This, my dear ones, has not been allowed to happen for some time.
The cabal has been playing in a field that includes only themselves
and those who choose that field for some time. They think that they
are making headway, and yet they continue to play by their rules,
and that takes them round and round in circles of their making.
You ask now, but what about all those who are being killed or taken
prisoner. What about them, why are they continuing to be hurt and
worse if the cabal is playing by itself? It is because those dear
ones have chosen this in their life contracts. They have seen that
in order to best serve humanity at this time, they will give up
their lives, or their comfort and freedom. Be assured that when the
time comes for their return to earth or freedom it will be when they
will be greeted with much respect, love, jubilance and honor for the
deed they have done in the name of the playout of the last cabal and
the complete and total freedom of humanity.
We do not like to see the pain they may suffer, so we greet them at
the moment before the pain and we release them into our embrace and
their bliss is complete. They know only love in that moment and from
that moment they are able to see what their beautiful earth
sacrifice has brought for humanity and for them. They see the result
of all of the workings of the light and they are blessed beyond
earthly understanding.
We ask that you take this knowledge into your daily knowing and
allow your soul to soar victorious in this understanding of what is
and what shall come to pass. We see the glorious work that you are
doing and we know that it springs forth from your deepest feeling of
love and compassion. We also know that with this depth comes a
greater understanding of how you are to be in your heart and in your
mind. This in turn spurns you on to the work that you have chosen
for this next phase of the coming of the New Golden Age.
We see you all preparing for the last step in the rising of the
light of planet earth and we say to you, "Rest ye weary souls and
hearts while ye may, for to come is the last push of the labor of
new birth into the freedom from the clutches of the last cabal. It
is a mighty thing that you do for your world and for your galaxy,
and we honor each and every one of you. You are truly angels and
warrior of the light, and you are positioned in the exact correct
place for this last stand for freedom and peace on your land."
Go in peace now and enjoy the leisure that is upon you, for it is
swift and sure that the arrow of truth shall descend upon the
darkness and the New Golden Age shall rise in love and peace
forevermore in grandeur and joy.
Thank you dear Commander Hatonn,
Love, Nancy Tate
Wake up Call: Hatonn Sept
26, 05
This morning I would
like to bring you some more news. This is news of a gentler nature and meant to make you feel good about the world
you live in. With the news I brought you yesterday, there was an underlying reason to bring it forward.
It was for the purpose of creating an established base upon which some seeds can be planted. That
is to show to you the difference between the things that are here for all of you to see and the things that are
hidden, yet that influence your lives.
I AM Hatonn, and on this day I find many who read the message
from yesterday to have brought confusion and doubt to many. This was not the motivation, however I
knew that it would be that way. I knew that anything that is reported about what the illuminati do would throw many
of you into doubt and into a series of questions that you would have not answers to.
The report
of yesterday brought much confusion to Nancy, for she doesn't involve herself with the affairs of the Middle East beyond scanning the headlines. Too much to cloud her brain when there is
so much she is interested in, she says. (smile) I'm sure there are those of you who know where she
is coming from.
The reason I brought that news to you was to awaken a sense in you that there
is something that is taking place in your world that is not all peaches and cream. There are horrors taking place
around the globe that affect you. They are designed to numb you into submission and keep you in amnesia.
This is taking place more intensely now because you are on the verge of awakening from your slumber and they know
One thing that you may not know is that as you awaken you will see more and more of this stuff
taking place. You will be able to see and discern what is taking place and you will be confused as to how to handle
it. This is why I am bringing you this kind of information along with the other news that is heartening. It is
for the balance.
Keep in mind that as you go through these next months there will be much that
will be revealed that you will likely approach with a different ear. Some of you will say, no absolutely not.
I know they are wicked, but not that bad! Some of you will sit in shock and not be able to comprehend
what you are seeing. Some of you will say that this is what you knew all along, and will go about merrily as if
nothing has changed.
This is all well and good, for we each have our own ways of dealing with
what we see and hear. When the time comes to gain independence from the ones who would enslave you, how much time
will have elapsed and what will you have done to empower yourselves?
Ask yourself this question
the next time someone tells you about another thing that the illuminati have done. Then ask your self what you
would do if you were able to. Combine these two thoughts and then see what comes of that. Will you feel empowered
or will you feel like you are helpless to change anything?
Now I will give you the good news,
the news that makes you feel good, for we all need that. Last night we observed a pod of dolphins swimming
off the coast of California in the USA. They were
having a wonderful time and they
were dancing and singing. They were close to a piece of the shore where there was a family having a picnic on
the beach.
They swam in closer to the shore and continued their play. As the family watched, one
of the children ventured closer for a better look. She was in glee and she began to sing along with the dolphins.
She actually sang as they were singing, as if she knew their language. It certainly wasn't a language
that any of her family had heard, and they began to worry that their precious one was being taken over by these dolphins.
soon as the dolphins sensed their worry, they began to sing another tune; it was calming rather than so much playful.
The girl responded and sang along with the new tune; then she stopped and hurried to her family and
told them that she loved them and not to worry, for the dolphins were telling her a story in the music, and they
wanted her to reveal what it was to them.
She said that the dolphins had been playing and they
sensed that the people they saw on the beach were sad because of what was taking place in the world.
They said that all the family needed to do was to know that all would be okay and that there were things they
could do to help to make things better. They said that what they could do is to love all of the people
no matter what they did.
They also said that to love them is not to ignore what they do, but to tell
others what they do, for to know is to be smarter and wiser as to what it is that they are facing. This would
be a way to overcome what is fighting their love, and because the illuminati are not feeling the love
that the people have they cannot know how to do anything else but what they are doing.
So know
what they do, and then love them, love them with all your heart and soul and know that what they do is not because
they are evil, it is because they do not know what they do that is against the love of The Creator.
They will find their way home at some time and then they will remember those who gave them love, not from their ignorance
about what they were doing, but because they did know, and loved them anyway.
So there you are
my dear ones, the story for you to carry into your day. I love each and every one of you and I am going to be
with you through all of this. You are my family and as I stand with St Germain, Sananda, Enki, and
the rest of the Galactic Federation we salute you and bless you all.
Thank you dear Commander
Love, Nancy Tate
Crashed Saucers, Salvaged Equipment, Paranormal Experiences, Brainwashing, Mind Control, Telepathy, Teleportation, Time
Travel, Incarnation, Extra-Terrestrials, Psychic, Metaphysics, The Rainbow Project, Project Invisibility, Phoenix Project,
Teleportation Projects, Nicola Tesla-Visionary. John Von Neumann-mathematician of physicist, John Hutchinson-Dean U of C,
Dr. David Hilbert - Multi Space Time/Realities, Dr. Gust off - Physicist, Dr. Levinson-Levinson Time/ Space Equations, Space-Time
Tunneling, Teleportation, USS Eldrige, The Montauk Chair, Alternate Reality, Warping Space Time, Past and Future Travels to
the Year 6048, Unrecognizable Ruins, Weather Control, Z-Argon Gases, Alternate Time Lines, Altered States of Reality, No Perception
of Time, Mind Control, Altered Auras, Extra-Terrestrial Bases, Stealth Technology. Tesla Towers, Teleportation to the Planets,
Atlantis, Falling Frogs, Teleportation Machines, Extraterrestrial bases, Tesla Arranges ET's meeting, Pleiadians, Grays, and
Reptilians show up, Alchemy, other domains, Crashed Ships, Bavarian Alps, Ruins: Ancient Civilizations, Bodies Found Embedded
in the walls at Montauk, time tunneling, alien projects, Atlantis, Secret Society's, German Mars Projects, Albert Einstein,
Nicola Tesla, Micro chip Implants, Rainbow, Inviibility and Hyper Space, Space - Time Continuum, Worm Holes, Space Time, Time
Travel, Invisibility Machines, Hypo-Meditation, Weather Control, "Psychic" Signals, Psychic Frequency. Time Vortex,
Face of Mars, Ancient Civilizations, Mars Ruins, Telepathic Thought, and Powers of the Mind, Alternate Realities, Artificial
Intelligence, and Monster Manifested, Walking into the Time tunnel. Anomalies in time, Reptilians, Balance of time, Intelligence's
off our planet, Project "God Edge" Manifesting of Objects, Subconscious Mind, Alien Intervention, Secret Societies,
Celestial Management, Self Conscious computers, Magnetic Field, Et message of Islam, CIA, ISLAM, ALIENS, DRUGS IN USA, Montauk
Base, Mind Control, Finite Space, first electronic computer, zero time frame Reference, Stealth Bombers, underground mars
caverns, dead civilizations, psychic nature vortexes, Akashic location system, religious artifacts, alien walk in's, teleportation,
Philadelphia experiment. The subconscious mind, Hilga Marro, aliens, Bob Lazar, John Lear, Mars Face, Mars Pyramid what Nasa
Knows about Mars Einstein, Eldridge Survivors, business, science, religeon, sport, money, art, chat, email, news group, java,
password, hotmail, search, download, internet, aol, travel, career, hardware, Element 115, String Theory, University of Yale,
Princeton university, UCLA, USC, CAL TECH, MIT, Harvard university, investing in Stock market for Alien Technology, education,
movie, church, christian, death, abotion, evolution, web hosting, job search, search engines, coca cola, pepsi, tv, radio,
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free games, friends, hotels, las vegas, mac, Iraq, Iran, China, Russia, USA, Bush, CIA, FBI, NSA, ONI, OSI, millions of agents
on tax payer pay roll playing computer games all day long reading Alienshift, Humanoid Alien in Las Vegas walking freely,
S4 Giant Gray Master Aliens in under ground united nation the real one coping with humans. Republicans and Democrats hand
in hand forming Scull and Bones Society of white brotherhood in America, John Carrey, Janet Jackson, MTV, VH1, UFO video,
UFO Pictures, Alien video, marketing, videos, ftp, cnn, garden, wwf, britney prears, WMD in Iraq, medicine, nascar, nostradamus,
home, career in Alientology, Steven Greer try to finish the Oil project for Exon and Mobile sending all of them home jobless
with his Alien free energy project, just like what Tesla did!, Art Bell, Ice age. FX, Euro, Dollar, Baseball, alien
Yahoo, MSN, CNN, Internet chat , Dating, Matrix, Microsoft, Las Vegas, hotels, stocks, bonds, ET eyes, movies, games.
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Year 2012.